Latah Legacy, 2018

My article, “History of the Camp Grizzly Area, 1859 to 1907” appears in the December 2018 edition of the Latah Legacy. The article focuses on the Hoodoo Mining District and discusses how Camp Grizzly got it’s name. Anyone wanting a hard copy of this issue can pick up a copy from the Latah County Historical Society.

The entire article can be read online by clicking here: Latah Legacy, Vol. 45 No. 1.

I would like to thank the “Potlatch Brain Trust” from the You Know You Are From Potlatch if You Can Remember . . . Facebook group for their help and assistance in providing insights and leads into tracking down local sources. Also, special thanks goes to Steven Branting and Beverly Brantner, who provided valuable information on Cora Nettie Tribble.

My next local history project is an article on lumber barons William Deary and Alison Laird. It will cover Camp Grizzly area history from the early 1900’s until 1938, when the land was gifted to the Boy Scouts of America. Research for this project will begin in the summer of 2019.

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