You have written a book. It’s great book, a stellar book, a magnificent book. Yet, it sits on the shelf unsold.
If your intended audience is between the ages of 6 and 18, unless your book is listed in the Accelerated Reader (AR) catalog, it’s unlikely to be purchased by anyone. Teachers cannot possibly be familiar with the plot, storyline, and characters of every book available to school-age children. Because of this, many schools turn to Renaissance Learning’s Accelerated Reader (AR) program. The AR software provides assessments that measure comprehension and reading level. Consequently, school and library purchasing decisions are often dependent on AR catalog listing.
Authors hoping to bypass schools and libraries, marketing directly to kids (and their parents) are out of luck. Summer used to be a time for kids to catch-up on ‘fun’ reading. Now, even it has fallen victim to the AR Catalog. Racking-up AR points is highly competitive. Pizza parties and tickets to amusement parks on the line. Many schools allow students to log points for books read during summer break, so most school-aged children simply will not read a book that does not appear in the AR catalog.
In order to be successful with the school-age demographic, authors need their books listed in the AR catalog. But, how does one do that? Continue reading →