My story, The Ravages of March: A Far-Flung Family Struck by Floods, appears in the May 2017 issue of Idaho Magazine. This story covers flooding that occurred near Potlatch, Idaho, as well as flooding that affected Bonner and Boundary Counties. Copies of the magazine are usually available from BookPeople of Moscow and if they sell out, you can always buy a copy directly from Idaho Magazine.
Category Archives: Blog
The Writing Process
I’m often asked when my novel will be published or why it isn’t published yet. Many people don’t realize that the writing process is a lot more involved than simply sitting at a keyboard and writing.
Before deciding which publishing options to pursue or beginning to search for editors or agents, a writer must first have a high-quality product to offer. Many writers overlook the importance of the writing process in their eagerness to get published. Not adhering to the process actually kills a writer’s chances because, without it, they are unable to produce a salable manuscript.
The writing process involves four phases: prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing. Following these steps will help, but experienced writers know that problems which arise during drafting, revising, or editing, can send them all the way back to step one, where they must develop and expand an idea. As my NaNoWriMo ML is quick to remind me, “You will enjoy the process, God damn it!”
It’s Official: SFCC Pullman has Moved!
Sasquatch is on the move in Latah and Whitman Counties . . . In the days following the SFCC Pullman Center’s move to the Washington State University campus, Bigfoot was sighted in nearby Latah County where a motorist swears she saw Bigfoot chasing deer along the highway just north of Potlatch. Perhaps Skitch invited a few friends over to check out his new digs and they tried grabbing some food on the way.
Skitch’s new stomping grounds will be the Math Annex located on the WSU campus. Approximately 200 students will start classes in the new building on April 3, 2017. Being on the WSU campus will expose SFCC students to university life and enhance their college experience. There isn’t enough classroom space in the Math Annex, so some students will have classes across campus in Krugal Hall. Continue reading
It’s Springtime on the Palouse, 2017
I was available to photograph the Palouse River as it crested this morning at just over 17 feet. The pictures are below.
Rock Creek Road
Flannigan Creek Road
Going Home
Tree Farm
Horse Pastures
Palouse River
Wheat Field
Land Slide
Potlatch Flood Station
Twitter Post from yesterday.
Palouse River Flood Watch
Alley off Main Street
House Surrounded by Floodwaters
Child's Swing
Lion's Park
Palouse City Park
Gazebo at the Park
Grocery Store
Rock Creek Road
The bridge on Rock Creek Road was damaged during ice flows in February 2017, compromising it's structural integrity. The county to close the road,out of safety concerns. Because of high water levels and excessive stream flows, they have been unable to repair the bridge. Motorist were encouraged to use the Flannigan Creek Road detour. 3/18/17 -
Flannigan Creek Road
Floodwater covers Flannigan Creek Road, so the detour is impassable, cutting off residents who live on the other side of the river. 3/18/17 -
Going Home
One motorist, desperate to get home, braves the floodwaters on Flannigan Creek Road, near Potlatch, Idaho. 3/18/17 -
Tree Farm
At the tree farm near Potlatch, Idaho, all that is visible is the tops of the trees. 3/18/17 -
An outhouse sits in a pool of water at the tree farm near Potlatch, Idaho. 3/18/17 -
Horse Pastures
Horse Pastures along Highway 95 near Potlatch, Idaho are underwater. 3/18/17 -
Palouse River
The Palouse River jumped its banks covering wheat fields and pastures along Highway 95 near Potlatch, Idaho. 3/18/17 -
Rapids on the Palouse River are a rare sight. 3/18/17 -
Wheat Field
Ducks swim in the puddles left behind in the wheat fields on Trestle Road near Viola, Idaho. 3/18/17 -
Land Slide
Overly saturated ground gives way, causing landslides in the wheat fields on Trestle Roads, near Viola, Idaho. 3/18/2017 -
Potlatch Flood Station
This shows a picture of horse pastures along Highway 95 near Potlatch, ID. At shortly after 8 AM this morning the water was less than a foot from covering the railroad tracks and only 2 feet from crossing Highway 8 near the county shop. 3/16/17 -
Twitter Post from yesterday.
Lion's Park in the City of Palouse, WA. 3/15/17 -
Palouse River Flood Watch
Here is the Hydrology information from when I was in Palouse this morning. You can track the hydrology information for yourself here: . -
Alley off Main Street
Thanks to a blown gasket I had to stop in at Bagott Motors, Inc. in downtown Palouse, WA this morning. The mechanics were kind enough to take me in back so that I could get a look at the water in the alley. The stick on the light pole shows that the water is just over 3 feet deep in the alley. 3/16/17 -
House Surrounded by Floodwaters
This house, surrounded by floodwater, is on Main Street in Palouse, WA. A rise of 6 more inches would have water running down main street. 3/16/17 -
Child's Swing
A child's swing sweeps back and forth across a flooded backyard in the City of Palouse, WA. 3/16/17 -
Lion's Park
The road is closed in Lion's Park and all the picnic tables are under water. 3/15/17 -
Palouse City Park
Floodwaters have reached the picnic shelters in the Palouse City Park in Palouse, WA. 3/16/17 -
Gazebo at the Park
Floodwaters fill the park making the gazebo unusable in the City of Palouse, WA. 3/16/17 -
Grocery Store
Water reached the loading bay of the grocery store in Palouse, WA. 3/16/17
I’ve Been Offered a Book Contract
Exciting news! A publisher has offered me a contract for the trilogy. I wanted to wait to share the news until after it was signed and I had a publication date, but the person I’m working with had a family emergency. His mother has been hospitalized, so he’s taking time off to care for her. Also, many of the authors I’ve contacted say it can take anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months to work through negotiations. I don’t think I could keep quiet that long.
I’ll be sure to post an update as soon as the details are worked out and all responsible parties have signed. Here’s to hoping everything works out.
Fake News
Well, I’ve been published again. The Spokesman Review Huckleberries Online Blog ran the cartoon below on Thursday, January 26th. The editor of the Moscow-Pullman Daily News said it was confusing and he didn’t get it, so it did not appear in the local paper.
Trouble Deciding?
An Econ Lecture for the Curious
I created this lecture for my micro class this quarter because I have an out-of-town conference later this month. I apologize in advance for the sniffling. (It’s January and I have a cold.)
Many Americans have trouble seeing from another person’s perspective. Even more hear something and think, “Oh yeah, that’s right,” without considering all of the implications of what their elected officials are promoting. The point of this lecture is to examine one topic from multiple viewpoints.
Yuletide Greetings
‘Tis the season to make an ass of yourself. There is nothing like proclaiming the love of Jesus that brings out the downright-nasty-not-niceness in Christians each December.
Spiteful memes show up in Facebook feeds stating, “It’s Merry Christmas, say the fucking words, damn it!” “Stop the War on Christmas,” “Put Christ back in Christmas!” and my personal favorite, “When someone wishes you ‘Happy Holidays’ remind them that ‘Holidays’ are HOLY DAYS!” The problem with the holy days proclaimers, and the majority of Christians, is that they fail to realize there is more than one holiday in December and most of them pre-date Christianity.
Cavendish: One Room Schools
My story on Idaho’s one room schools appears in the December 2016 edition of IDAHO Magazine. Did you know there are fourteen one room schools still operating in Idaho, including the one in Cavendish?