The Palouse Writers Guild is an independent collective comprised of several local writing groups who banded together in order to bring professional development opportunities to the Palouse. Since first being formed in 2016, the Palouse Writers Guild (PWG) has grown from 15 members to serving over 200 area writers today. As a result of this overwhelming response, we are launching our own PWG webpage.
The Palouse Writers Guild’s goal is to facilitate literary education by supporting writers’ groups, author readings, workshops, writing contests, and conference attendance. Membership is open to writers of all genres and media, regardless of publication status. Anyone interested in free writing, critique, participating in writing exercises, attending literary events, or just socializing with groups of like-minded people is welcome to join.
Benefits of Membership Include
- Notices of workshops, book signings, and other events delivered directly to your inbox.
- Reduced prices for PWG events and workshops.
- Opportunities to network with writers and industry professionals.
- Access to local writing group calendars.
- Ability to participate in exclusive, members only author events.
The next PWG event is a workshop that focuses on storytelling and memoir writing. The event is open to the public and everyone is welcome to attend. See information below:

Where Do I Begin? Using Storytelling as an Entry Point for Writing.
Date: Saturday, March 23, 2019
Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Location: 1912 Center, 412 E. 3rd Street, Moscow, Idaho
Price: $10.00
Workshop description and presenter bio can be found on the Palouse Writers Guild Website under events.
Registration limited to 40 participants.
To register email Khaliela Wright at khaliela@gmail.com